1. A snake in my toilet. Seriously, sometimes I’ll just be sitting there and that’ll pop into my head and I have to look. I wonder if this is a recognized phobia? Related. I once had a squirrel in my toilet. Oddly enough I have no phobia of a squirrel coming up and biting me in the ass. Weird.
2. Sharks. Crocodiles. Alligators. Things with teeth that like to eat humans. And yet, once I climbed in a cage and got dropped in a tank with a bull shark. My stupidity knows no bounds.
3. Trains. I love riding them, but they give me the heebie-jeebies when the roar by.
4. Centipedes. Millipedes. Earwigs. Why oh why do these little ‘effers exist! I scream like a girl at the sight of one.
5. Foreign languages. Are they talking about me? Did she just say I looked fat in this?

6. A tire blow out on the highway. Whenever I see blown out tires along the road, I wonder if the people were in an accident, was anybody hurt and then for the next hour, I play it through in my head what to do if my tire does blow out. Don’t slam on the brakes, slowly take foot of the accelerator, turn wheel in direction you want to go, call tow truck, change underwear.
7. The dark basement. I still try to make it up the stairs before the lights go out. Some things never change.
8. Ducks. No kidding. Once on a trip to Mexico with my husband, a gang of ducks cornered me and some other tourists on a path. My husband had to rescue us. It was very intense.
9. Dark water. If I can’t see the bottom I routinely start freaking out for absolutely no reason at all. It’s the fear of the things that like to eat humans. Once on a night dive in Jamaica, I was totally cool while we were under the water but when we were bobbing on the surface I felt like bait. I failed to hear them shout at me to shut my flashlight off because I could only think of getting on that boat. My light attracted jellyfish which stung the hell out of my husband who was coming up behind me. I felt really badly about that. I’d do it again though. Hey, when you have an irrational fear, you’re irrational.
10. Under my bed. Not all the time, but I don’t waste any time getting up in bed if you know what I’m saying.
Hmm…I’m irrationally afraid of snakes. Born to the Chinese zodiac in a snake year…I’m deathly afraid of them…so…snakes in the toilet would be an “issue” for me now…
Ducks…ducks are afraid of me…It may have something to do with my having eaten so many of them during my lifetime… 😛
Snakes are my biggest problem. Unfortunately, it’s a REALLY big problem for me – like can’t watch them on TV, can’t turn pages in books with actual pictures of snakes easily etc. Makes me sound like a complete raving lunatic when I re-read this, but they don’t call them irrational fears for nothing. The absolute worst part is trying to NOT show my daughter how terrified I am. She’ll grow up and pick her own crazy without any help from me – at least that’s my hope 🙂
I do enjoy eating ducks. Tastes like revenge 😉
I may now also have a fear of things crawling across the floor at me. WTH Deborah? You’re not supposed to add to my fears LOL
Some jackass kid threw a garden snake in my face when I was five. I had nightmares for years after. Snakes and me are not friends. I try to not pass along the crazy either, which I why I don’t try to beat my children up the stairs from the basement, even though I’m tempted to 🙂
Yeah, someone posted one of those videos on Facebook the other day and scared the bejeezus out of me and didn’t you send me one last year? Oh, and the snake in TO was what inspired this post. Yup. Totally.Freaked.Out.
I’m with ya sistah. Dark water freaks the hell out of me. And I do still have irrational issues with under the bed. My leg never goes over the edge. Nev-er.
And the closet? I slept with my closet door closed every single night until I was 18 or 19 years old. Not sure what I thought was in there, but it was bad!!
Ooh! 1 more – anyone crawling across the floor towards me. My brother used to torture me with this as a child. I’m glad Michael never really crawled …
Ha! Do you have any idea how I’ve restrained myself from sending you one of those YouTube videos where it’s all nice and fine and then a scary witch screams out at you ever since you posted about the haunted house.
Also, there were two snakes found in toilets in Toronto this past week – within blocks of each other. One was a python.
This is great.
 I love your duck revenge. : D
I’m less afraid of the monster-movieish things and more irrationally afraid of what I don’t know. The disaster/crisis looming over the horizon. Â That freaks me to no end. Â
And trains (although I enjoy riding in them).Â
But I’m good with the basement, the monster in the closet and the one under the bed.Â
Oh that’s a whole other blog Pam call things that keep me awake at night. 🙂 These are the things I can laugh about because they are slightly ridiculous.
Sorry ma’am 😉Â
Just picture it though, grinning little thing scrabbling across the floor looking up at you… *shudders*
I am trying not to picture it 🙂
I really don’t like earwigs either, especially since I have had them stuck in my hair. Once when I was in bed, I felt something wiggling around, I jumped up, threw my head upside-down, hitting my hair/head non-stop until the damn earwig fell out and I stomped on it. Oh and I have had a bumblebee stuck in my hair too, same reaction, same death. Why I still continue to keep my hair long is beyond me.