This is Honey.
Honey is part of the family and my very best friend. She’s faithfully by my side everyday in my office. She’s a good listener, a fantastic snuggler and rescuer of all things that fall in the pool. She’s a also a bit of a slug. Just look at her.
This is what she’s doing in my office right now while I’m working. Don’t let the cute exterior fool you, this dog has been getting a free ride for way too long. So when Honey was asked to participate in a mixed feeding challenge I signed her up right away. After all, if there’s one thing Honey does really well, it’s eating.
So what’s mixed feeding? Simply put, it’s feeding your pet a diet consisting of both wet and dry dog foods. Admittedly, we’ve been feeding Honey dry dog food only. When I think about it, that would be like someone asking me to eat dry toast only, twice a day for eight years. Talk about boring.
Honey is taking this job very seriously though and is eager to get started on her one month mixed feeding challenge. To help us along, all the resources we need can be found at, but the most important messages are this:
- A regular mixed feeding diet of both dry and wet food for dogs and cats keeps your pet healthy, as both types of food offer important yet unique and complementary health benefits.
- Both wet and dry foods are nutritionally complete and balanced on their own.
- Moving your pet to a mixed feeding diet is easy—start off with a ratio of about 25% new food to 75% old food, and work your way up from there over about a week.
- Dry food is a concentrated energy source, and its crunchy texture helps maintain your pet’s oral health.
- Wet food helps maintain a healthy weight for your pet because it is lower in calories than dry food, and its high moisture content helps support a healthy urinary tract and proper organ function.
- There are lots of misconceptions about mixed feeding—one being that wet food will make your pet gain weight—but that is simply not true. (This is a good thing for Honey who is trying hard to maintain her svelte figure. The pressure on a dog in front of the camera is crazy people. The struggle is real)
We’re ready to get going on our one month #mixedfeeding challenge. Honey asks that you please refrain from seeking her autograph should you see her on the street. She’s got serious work to do.
[…] few weeks ago my dog Honey took one for the team and started a #mixedfeeding challenge. It was grueling work but she got the job done! Kidding, she loved every minute of […]