Michelle Duggar has me feeling a little like an underachiever today. I mean for starters she just announced she’s expecting with child number 20. TWENTY!! I mean there’s a good chance in two or three generations half the population of the United States will be a descendent of the Duggar clan for Pete’s sake. Talk about leaving a legacy. What else is leaving me small and meek? How about this:
1. She is 45 and chasing after toddlers and babies like a twenty year old. I get exhausted just thinking about it. In fact, I may need a nap after this post.
2. She blogs. What? I mean, really? Back off sister! Is it not enough that you make my uterus feel unworthy but you need to step into blogging as well. I can hardly organize myself to blog and I only have a measley two kids.
3. She has good kids. This is perhaps the biggest slap in the face. None of them ever show up in a tabloid strung out on meth. None of them have found Marilyn Manson yet. How do you raise so many kids that are seemingly well-adjusted? I already have a trust fund for my kids therapy bills.
4. Everyone is always dressed and put-together. My youngest always leaves the house with a huge lump on the back of her head where she forgot to brush. Do I chase after her and fix it? Meh. That’s effort I don’t have in me.
5. She is apparently having a lot of sex. ‘Nuff said.
6. She’s a long-term planner. She had the foresight to see that by the time she had the 20th, there would be at least 10 other people to take care of it. Brilliant!
7. She’s happy about this news. I have friends that upon finding out they were having another slipped into full fledged panic mode. Michelle is all like “Oh my, well what do you know? Tee hee”.
8. She looks good. I mean, my grandmother had 16 (amateur) and she just always looked old and tired. I think she died so she could get some rest. Michelle Duggar looks like she might outlive us all. What’s her secret?

Her freakin uterus is an elevator, honey. It boggles my mind!
Too many times “out” the “in” door for my taste 🙂 …but who am I to judge?
Your two are gorgeous (luck), bright (luck and good environment), and warm, funny, friendly, happy, generous people (good mom-ing!). You’ve got perfection. Of course you stopped!
I’ve seen her show a couple of times and noted that her children seem very robotic and too groomed – my two may drive me around the bend sometimes and leave a mess in their wake, but I take pride in the fact that they feel free to push boundaries and be individuals who will chart their own path in life – feel better?
That lady freaks me out, I would rather hang out with you any day. She probably has no friends.
When my kids were wee little (I have 3), I was often encouraged to open a day home so I could live my dream of being a stay at home mom. I would almost throw up a little at the thought of it because as much as I wanted to be the mom who could be there for my kids at all times, I knew it just wasn’t in me to do. Life would be pretty dull if we were all Michelles and didn’t have the Candaces of the world. I mean really, I wouldn’t have anyone to ask for writing ideas, now would I?! 😉
Nothing wrong a a lot of sex but what about birth control? I know it’s against her beliefs but can she afford this many kids mentally, physically, financially for the rest of their years or childhoods. I don’t get it either.
My mom had issues with just my bro and I. I am grateful to have no kids and just take care of my furballs…yeah it boggles my mind though and I am a little resentful because I don’t see this as responsible esp bc if she wanted that many there are plenty that need adoption/fostering!
I’m not intending to hate on her or her family, but when I’ve seen that family neither she nor her children seem that “well-adjusted”. Everything smells of control. I wish they didn’t creep me out so much, but they do. Give me some mess and chaos any day. And my little guy with his orange plaid jacket, purple and green sweater, and gray-green camoflage pants? He picked that outfit himself, so I don’t mind that he doesn’t look put-together. 😉
I honestly could not wrap my head around 20 pregnancies, 20 deliveries. Mind also boggled.
You’re very sweet Diane 😉
To be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever watched the show. It’s one of those reality osmosis things I talked about on last week’s YMC article. The news of this is kind of unavoidable. 🙂
I’d rather have 2 kids and 18 good friends. The kids drive me to drink and the friends are there to raise the glass with me 🙂
Oh, I KNOW I wouldn’t have the patience for a lot of children. Gotta give her props that not only can she birth 20 children but she hasn’t lost her mind yet. Oh wait…..that’s an oxymoron isn’t it?
Did our kids call each other this morning and co-ordinate that look? 😉 I like the put together thing occasionally but it takes too much effort. I have important blogging to do you know 🙂
I think they will take care of their kids. I also read today that they are debt free which I find astounding and quite admirable actually. Good for them.
She clearly has A LOT of patience. Way more than most of us have 😉
For the record, I do feel better know that right now, some where, some mother is being driven crazy by her children LOL
I’m the same, my 2 kids and dog exhaust me and I can’t seem to find the time to keep this house clean! Seriously, do they go behind me making a mess?! I’ve watched a number of the shows. The kids are raised differently, and yet similar to how I was. There are episodes where you see the kids playing and I think some of their games would drive me crazy!!! As for the order in the house, well, I’m guessing if you have that many kids, there are certain things you CAN’T be flexible on. Plus, the older kids help care of the younger ones and they all have chores! I think they all play outside a lot when the weather isn’t bad which may help.
The numbers still boggle (why can’t I spell tonight?) my mind. And for the record, while I think a lot of them were, not all her births were vaginal, in fact, Wikipedia states she had 4 c-sections. You can check out the like for a quick history http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/19_Kids_and_Counting