I went to Disney World a week after Donald Trump was inaugurated. I’m glad we went so soon after he was sworn in because there is a good chance he will sign an executive order banning all magic from the place if he’s given enough time. To be honest, I was leery about heading south of the border with the political climate being as it is, but then I remembered Hillary won the popular vote and there are WAY more progressive people in the U.S. than the Republican party would like us to think and that’s an actual, not an alternative, fact.

In a giant flip of the bird to Donny boy, here are some lovely things I witnessed while at Disney World. Let’s keep score, shall we?
- I saw a man who brought his disabled daughter to the Magic Kingdom for her 11th birthday ask two random women if they would help her in the bathroom as there was no accessible family bathroom available. They ladies readily agreed and treated her like gold. Sorry ableists, you are starting this game down a point. Sad.
- I saw a group of women dressed in niquabs pushing strollers through the crowd. No one batted an eye except my young son who excitedly yelled “Look! Ninjas!” We had a discussion about people wearing different things for different reasons and good manners after that. While I have mixed feelings about niquabs, these women felt safe enough to wear them. I don’t know if they felt free, but feeling safe is something. One point to religious freedom. Also, one point awarded to naive child observations and one to parenting (for educating children that not all observations need to be said out loud). Great!
- I saw a man going through his spiritual routine on his prayer mat just off to the side of a main thoroughfare in the Magic Kingdom without a word or interruption from anyone. Religious freedom takes another point. Great again! (See what I did there?)
- I saw a family of Hasidic Jews strolling along with kids in tow. Not a peep or even extended stare. Religious freedom scores a hat-trick. Fantastic!
- A man from New Hampshire who my husband and I met on the bus lamented the Quebec City shooting with us. A point for humanity. Tremendous!
- I had a moment of support and solidarity with another safety pin wearing lady. We acknowledged that both of us were making a statement with our conspicuous accessory and there to assist anyone encountering any racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-semitic, ableist, or other intolerant horse shit. Another point to humanity. Terrific!
The scores are in and it looks like Disney is still the wonderfully magical place it has always been.
So many parts of Disney were built with progressiveness and tolerance in mind. Epcot has rides and attractions based on preserving the environment and sustainable living along with pavilions that celebrate other countries and cultures. Animal Kingdom is a zoological theme park focused the conservation of an animals. The wildlife there helps to get people interested in caring for the environment and all the residents of our beautiful planet. Plus, there are areas of the park that have themes around East African and Asian villages. These are all things that fly in the face of the tRump brand. From my recent trip it seems the vast majority of people enjoying Disney World match its forward-thinking views.
If you are concerned about going to Disney World because of the so-called President, you needn’t be. Whether you ditch the kids and go alone, take the little ones, or have a Disney adventure with teens, I’m sure your trip will be magical. Bigly magical!
Image Source: Dan Anderson Dan Anderson/Getty Images via travelandleisure.com, cesran.org, deviantart.com